Thursday, July 17, 2008

Woody Bell: Cable Guy and Political Guru

Woody Bell, prolific local writer of letters to the editor, is fearless in supporting and opposing political candidates from City Hall to the White House. His most recent contribution was a letter to the Northwest Arkansas Times about the Fayetteville mayor's race, endorsing Dan Coody while attacking Steve Clark and the local media for being critical or raising questions about Coody's aversion to keeping his word or his poor management skills that resulted in a $63 million debacle on the sewer project.

Last month, Mr. Bell was advising on national politics with the sly acumen of a Karl Rove or Lee Atwater in trying to undermine the Democratic nominee for president. In a letter to the editor of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, he offered his insight on what Barack Obama would have to do to "dispel false rumors regarding him ... being a Muslim" and other personal attacks on his character, as well as making suggestions for additions to Obama's website.

I suggest," said Mr. Bell so boldly, "that an excellent way to use this site to end many such rumors would be for Obama to place a video of himself on the site wearing an American flag lapel pin, singing 'The Star-Spangled Banner' and saying the Pledge of Allegiance with the words, 'one Nation under God,' while covering his heart." Performing such a public patriotic ritual might go a long way toward disciplining the uppity Obama and satisfying Mr. Bell and other right-wing critics who have been engaging in political smears about character, religion, and politically-correct displays of patriotism and piety. Probably not, but that's what Bell recommended.

It looks like Senator Obama
took the advice of Woody Bell, our own local political genius and kingmaker.

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