Friday, April 4, 2008

Street Jazz Is On a Roll

Richard Drake writes in spurts, so catch this current wave on his Street Jazz blog. Yesterday's posting on Alderman Adella Gray's strange Letter to the Editor is only one example.

"So just what exactly is Fayetteville alderman Adella Gray (and consistent Coody supporter) saying in her letter to the Northwest Arkansas Times today? That her fellow aldermen who have said that they were were unaware or misinformed about the cost of the renovations to the Square are not doing their jobs adequately?

"That they are liars?

"Is the fact that these same aldermen may be occasional critics of Comrade Coody one of the reasons for writing her letter?

"If only Ms. Gray were as concerned about the slums in her own ward, and the third-world living conditions that families are forced to live in, by greedy landlords."

There's more good local stuff, so go here and add a bookmark.

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