Saturday, January 3, 2009

Benton County Bigot Quote of the Day

"The lawsuit filed in Pulaski County Circuit Court has 29 adults and children as plaintiffs. On the other hand, Initiated Act 1 was approved by an overwhelming number of Arkansas voters. I was one of those voters and I ask those of you who voted to pass this measure, are we going to sit still and allow 29 people, the ACLU and a judge to override the vote of the majority? I hope not.

"The lawsuit argues Initiated Act 1 violates federal and state constitutional rights to equal treatment and due process. There are set guidelines and laws that we must adhere to. ...Twenty-nine adults and children are opposed, not to Initiated Act 1 in itself, but to the guidelines that must be followed to adopt or serve as foster parents, and we the voters, set those guidelines in the November general election.

"I appeal to the voters of Arkansas, Christians and non-Christians alike, whether you voted due to a moral sense of duty and obligation or simply what you deemed as a common good for the state in passing Initiated Act 1, let your voice continue to be heard. Let's stand together for the good of our state. We spoke in November. Let's continue to speak.

"I close with this last statement, we should all thank God for a man like Jerry Cox, president of Arkansas Family Council, who has and is fighting for Initiated Act 1. Pray for him."

-- Bob Dunning, "Supports Initiated Act 1," Letter to The Morning News

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