Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Communist Party in Benton County

Who would have thunk it? It's not just creeping socialism anymore. The 100% Republican Quorum Court of our state's most Republican county has been infiltrated, duped, or captured by the Communist Party. Thanks to a Red Alert issued by Penne S. Ramsey of Garfield, we will not be taken by surprise like we were in the 1950s.

"The Benton County Quorum Court has now, in my opinion, stepped into a mess with its absolute stupidity," Ramsey declared in the Jeremiad issued yesterday. "I just wonder who the communist is who wants to tell me just how to use my property and how clean I am to keep it." The early warning sign appears to have been the proposed nuisance-abatement ordinance that would address junk cars, unmowed grass, or piled-up debris on sacred private property.

Ramsey raises the hue and cry for all private property rights worshipers to "go to the Quorum Court meeting and protest" and personally pledges, "I will protest until the end." As in, they can take the old refrigerator from my front yard when they pry it from my cold dead fingers.

Outside agitators are upon the land, Ramsey discerns. "Maybe the justices should start listening to the hometown people who live here and who have always lived here. The people who have moved in on top of us and who have built hundred-thousand-dollar houses aren’t the ones to be protected."

I was ready to arm myself and build a bunker until that part about someone building a $100,000 house in Benton County. You'd be more likely to find a Communist than affordable housing up there.

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