Sunday, August 5, 2007

Citizen Quote of the Day

"After reading Friday’s article on water and sewer rates [Times, July 27] I wondered who was the clever businessman that dreamed up the myth that it is in the interest of our residents to subsidize commercial, industrial, and agricultural interests by paying more than their fair share of the proposed increases. They have apparently convinced our politicians that this is justified on the basis of “jobs” that they provide, a presumably valuable benefit to the community.

"I’m sorry, but I can’t see the logic of how taking money from a homeowner and giving it to a local business benefits the homeowner. Will the businessman lower his prices for us, or will he simply pocket more profit? Will he pay higher wages to his employees, or will the executives’ bonuses be enhanced? When was the last time a business hired someone solely to benefit the community? Has this ever happened?

"I don’t see how our city council can calculate the “fair” rate based on a proportionate usage of the utility and then decide to apply an “unfair” rate based on a fairy tale to the disadvantage of everyone except business. Who are the politicians looking out for anyway? I’m certainly willing to pay my full fair share of the increase, but I object to subsidizing the owners and shareholders of businesses whom I don’t even know."

--Phil Zimmerman, Letter to the Editor of the Northwest Arkansas Times

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