Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Why We Not Have?

Oklahoma's courageous Attorney General Drew Edmondson has been fighting to protect water quality in the Illionois River watershed in Benton and Washington Counties, while our state officials, local chicken corporations, and the Chamber of Commerce have opposed his efforts to protect our environment and asserted their right to keep polluting our water.

Now Attorney General Edmondson has partnered with Wal-Mart to help end the cycle of domestic violence with a public awareness campaign called "End the Silence -- End the Violence" that he said will "try to stop the curse of domestic violence." Wal-Mart has agreed to place specially designed informational posters in female-only areas of its stores, such as bathrooms and dressing rooms, where abuse victims can privately gain access to information out of sight of their abuser, Edmondson said. The goal of the campaign is to help domestic violence victims get information about shelters and domestic violence service programs in their area. Informational leaflets are printed in both English and Spanish.

Domestic violence is a serious problem in our state. The National Violence Center reported that Arkansas ranked 6th nationally in per capita number of females murdered by males, with 28 deaths in 2005. We should initiate a similar partnership with Wal-Mart in Arkansas for a campaign to provide essential information and assistance to those who are victims of domestic abuse.

Do you think the corporate interests controlling the Chamber of Commerce will also oppose this humanitarian effort as well? There is just as much right to abuse women and children by hitting them as there is to pollute the water they drink. Absolutely none.

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