The Rogers Hometown News this week reprinted a press release from United States Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-INO) boasting that she co-sponsored a resolution proclaiming June as National Internet Safety Month. It passed more quickly than her ongoing efforts to exempt the Wal-Mart heirs from having to pay estate taxes or legislation to provide fat farm subsidies to her family and friends who own plantations in the delta. In fact, it was so non-controversial that it passed by unanimous consent only seven days after it was introduced.
There is also more and less to this story than our vigilant local press reported. It is of some interest that Lincoln's co-sponsors of this resolution to warn of the dangers of the Internet and urge the protection of the Innocent included her morally-righteous Senate colleagues Larry Craig (R-ID) and David Vitter (R-LA). That's amusing.
Senator Lincoln's official press release waxes nostalgic about the past. "When I was growing up in Helena, Main Street was the place for a good deal of social activity. On Saturday mornings, I would often head down to the drugstore and other shops on Main Street with my grandfather where I would meet my friends. ...That is not the world we live in today. Main Street then and Main Street today are very different."
Why would Blanche say such a thing? Is telling an untruth necessary to make her point? There is no Main Street in Helena. The principal business district street is Cherry Street. It is much different today from when Lincoln was young. Her grandfather was the mayor, and the white-owned businesses dominated downtown. Maybe that was her real point about how things have changed? The Internet had little to do with that
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