Monday, February 18, 2008

Get Up, Stand Up

Celebrating Presidents' Day is difficult, considering the present one, but we can always make Citizens' Day our own and renew our commitment to take ownership of our government. There is no better place to do that than right here and right now.

Fayetteville School Board President Steve Percival, tan and rested after a conference in Florida, has called a special meeting of the school board at noon today at the Adams Leadership Center just north of the high school at 1000 West Stone Street. They will be discussing the sale of the school campus to the
University of Arkansas as a way to pay for building a new high school out near Wheeler. Don't count on being allowed to speak, but if no one cares enough to miss work and show up, they will claim that no one cares.

Tomorrow, the Fayetteville City Council will hold its regular meeting at
6:00 pm in Room 219 of the City Administration Building located at 113 West Mountain Street. Thanks to the interactive agenda provided by citizen activist Jeff Erf, you can post comments that might be read by the Mayor, Aldermen, or eager staffers. They will be discussing several items that should be interesting enough to watch on Channel 16, even if you don't show up and make your views known.

Mayor Dan Coody is proposing approval of an ordinance for a no-bid contract with King Electrical Contractors in the amount of $165,000.00 for electrical work associated with the Fayetteville Square Sidewalk and Planter Replacement Project. He has also added a resolution to grant approval to allow Southpass Development LLC to submit a Planned Zoning District (PZD) to the City of
Fayetteville prior to annexation into the city, now at the end of the regular new business agenda instead of the consent agenda where someone thought it might slip right through without discussion.

I know it is hard work, but take a few minutes to attend a public meeting every so often, or let your fingers do the talking by sending an email to our elected public servants who would be interested in knowing what citizens think and want.

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