No surprise here, but the monied interests are behind the proposed constitutional amendments to raise interest rates and generate fees for bond lawyers and counting houses. Proposed Amendments No. 2 and No. 3 will be like manna from the poor, should they fool the voters today, and it looks like that's about to happen.
Just so you know, here's the contribution report for one of the front groups trying to foist the amendments upon the borrowing and taxpaying class. Oil companies and big Little Rock law firms, and $15,000 from the state Chamber of Commerce. Locally, something calling itself the NWA Chamber of Commerce with a Post Office Box in Springdale kicked in $10,000 for the scheme. There were no reported contributions from local churches or social service workers.
The most enthusiastic donor was Car Mart of Bentonville. The corporation ponied up $100,000 for the amendments. They can recover that quickly by charging 17% interest on clunkers for hourly wage workers needing to cruise around Bella Vista on that new bypass that has sucked up all the transportation funding in the region.
Go ahead and vote for your own financial ruin. It is what they want you to do.
ReplyDeleteThe entire election from Coast to Coast was financed by CoC. They spent hundreds of millions and private Corporations spent another billion. All in all the night was HUGE success for Corporate America-CoC. For the paltry sum of around $2 billion they've saved $400 billion in tax increases and think of the booty that they will get when new rounds of gubmint contracts are awarded.
Behind the huntin-fishin-trappin Constitutional Amendment placed on the Ark ballot by Rep Farris (Malvern) is the group known as ALEC. Click here to learn more.
"The Republicans have majorities on both Senate and House transportation committees. They are going to do some serious messing with the Highway and Transportation Department about how it allocates highway dollars."
ReplyDeleteSource here.