Timothy Adam, the same guy who harassed UA graduate student Banan al-Daraiseh at the Mullins Library last month because she was wearing a hijab, was issued a criminal trespass warning last week and banned from the campus library. On Monday night, he ignored the ban and returned to the scene of the crime. This time he was arrested and booked for criminal trespass, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest.
In the earlier incident, Adam yelled at al-Daraiseh as she stood at the library entrance on October 8th, “There’s no place for you in America. There’s no place for Sharia. Go back to Sudan.” When she asked him whether she was bothering him, Adam shouted, “Yes you’re bothering me – the way you’re dressing is bothering me.” She declined to pursue harassment charges against Adam for the October outrage.
Trial is set for December 13th in Fayetteville District Court.
Tim has issues. Not just issues of religious or cultural intolerance but real challenges that he needs help dealing with. Calling him an asshat doesn't really help the situation at all. In the end, the only person who has shown understanding, restraint, and compassion has been Banan al-Daraiseh. Bravo to her. She must be quite a lady.