Alderman Matthew Petty, confessed tricycle thief and contriving mushroom farmer, has now declared himself to be an art critic. Critic, that is, in the sense of criticizing the selection committee that chose the winning design for the two bicycle rack sculptures to be built at the new Fayetteville District Court Building. His complaints, published as a letter to the editor of the Northwest Arkansas Times, charged that the other members of the selection committee violated the guidelines, chose a sub-par artistic design, and ignored the superior designs submitted by local artists to choose a New York designer.
Fair enough, perhaps. What Alderman Petty doesn't reveal is who were the dastardly members of the selection committee that deserve his scorn, for which of the submitted designs did each of the members vote, who were the outstanding local artists rejected by the committee, and which one of the local artists did he vote to receive the commission?
The fact is that Alderman Petty did not vote for the winning design or any of the local losers. He didn't even attend the only meeting of the committee and the one where they selected the design. Like they say, Alderman Petty, "if you don't vote, you can't complain." You owe the other members of the committee a public apology and your constituents an explanation on why you weren't there to share your artistic expertise and vote.