Friday, July 6, 2007

Volunteers Needed for Seven Hills Rain Garden

Please show up at the new Seven Hills facility at 9 o'clock on Saturday, July 7th, to help build four rain gardens. The new facility is on the south side of East Huntsville Road between Morningside Drive and Erika Avenue. For more details, contact Katie Teague at or 444-1755 to participate or just show up and help with the planting!!

This is important. You can learn how to construct a rain garden at your home or business, and you get to help protect our drinking water sources. Most of the rain that falls on cities lands on impervious surfaces, such as roads and parking lots, where it absorbs pollutants before it finally drains away with fertilizers, oil and, particulates reaching storm drains, but a shallow depression in a garden containing bark mulch and shrubs can remove up to 99% of toxins.

Rain gardens are landscape features planted with water-tolerant, perennial, native plants and are a way for homeowners as well as businesses to participate in the reduction of nonpoint source pollution from urban runoff, simply by planting a specialized garden. These beautiful gardens are planted in depressions or low areas which are designed to capture and filter pollutants in storm water runoff. In addition to filtering stormwater, rain gardens recharge groundwater, increase wildlife habitat, enhance aesthetic values, protect from flooding, reduce peak flows in local streams and reduce municipal storm water treatment costs.

Here is additional information about rain gardens and here is a manual to build your own.

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