Sunday, June 24, 2007

How Cool Is That?

The 75th annual meeting of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, which made the environment one of its top agenda items, announced yesterday in Los Angeles that Fayetteville Mayor Dan Coody had won first place honors in this year's Mayors' Climate Protection Awards Program. The awards honor mayors for measures to curb global warming and increase energy efficiency. Mayor Coody was selected for a city alternative transportation program that created 129 miles of multi-use trails and 163 miles of on-street linkages to the city.

Mayor Coody is also recognized as one of America's Cool Mayors, which claims he has "placed an emphasis on planning for responsible growth." Although Coody folds almost every time when the real estate developers and business interests request exceptions, the "City Plan 2025 has won him international accolades for encouraging infill and alternative modes of transportation, while discouraging sprawl and auto-dependency."

It is not easy for Fayetteville's mayor dude to win such honors. As he said, "You mayors in California have it easy being cool. If you really want a challenge try being cool in Arkansas."

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